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Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

Publish Date: 6/29/2024


Remote Therapeutic Monitoring is a great way for Medicare Providers seek additional potential reimbursment per patient's episode of care.

In HENO, clinics will have the ability to add this additional service to their practice to promote completion of POC, connection with patients, and increase potential reimbursements. 

Limited release for Production Beta Testing, to get RTM Activated in your HENO account, please create a ticket with support/onbarding for information on adding RTM to your subscription


YouTube Video Link: RTM Webinar   

Admin User Set Up:

Once your account is activated, you will need to assign users you wish to have access to both activate RTM Patients & track RTM progess.

This can be completed from the Admin > Users > Priviledges > "EMR: RTM User".

Please note, your user will need to log out and back in to activate the RTM Settings.


Patient Requirements:

  1. Patients will need Traditional Portal Access to complete their HEP feedback for the RTM Tracking.
    • Patients with a current account will have access once activated.
    • Patients without a poratal account can be added from the Patients Profile > Details > Actions > Portal > Add to Portal.
  2. Patients will need the following in their profile:
    • Active case and policy 
    • Active chart with the RTM Active
    • Referring Provider
  3. Patients can be added to RTM by clicking on the RTM link from the Patients's Tab > Primary Report Drop Down > RTM:

There are three sections of billing CPT Codes for RTM

1) Setup and Education

  • Use the toggles to Activate the Patient for RTM, Confirmation of Onboarding the Patient, and Confirmation of Device Supplied (Poratal Access)

To clear the Missing Data section, please ensure you have the 3 patient requirements mentioned above and use the "Return to Report" at the bottom of the page to link any missing.

Make any adjustments needed and select "Save" 

This will allow CPT Codes to be processed as Encounters:

2) Patient Activity

As Patients progress with their RTM, they will need to complete a minmum of 16 days per month of activity tracking, this cannot be completed by the rendering provider and must be completed in the patients portal account.

HEP that is completed in HENO in Expereince Logs and Daily Notes will Populate in the Patient Portal Account: