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How to Add Pronouns to Patients Demographics

Publish Date: 7/28/2024


Overview: This new feature allows practices to add “Pronouns” to Patient's demographics page that will show up in various areas of Heno for patient identification. You will need to turn this feature on inside of Documentation Settings. 

 Please go to the Admin tab > Practice > EMR > Customize button > Flex Fields > Patients Demographics  

-Toggle “On” Show Pronouns > Apply Changes 

-Log out/in of Heno for the changes to take place 

 Go to Patients tab > click on “Edit Pencil” for selected Pt > the “Pronoun” field is displayed next to the Sub Status dropdown field. 

-Add pronouns per patients' preference > Apply Changes  

-The new pronoun will appear next to the Patients name just like the nickname does in parenthesis. 

-The pronoun field is free flowing for text and does accept special characters: (/ - + = ! ? * and etc.) 

 Will display pronouns in the following areas: 

-On the top banner of the patient details page 

-Under the Patients tab, list view for all report types 

-When creating a patient appointment on to the schedule 

-Patients appointment on the schedule 

-Check In/Out areas and more 



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