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Navigating the Missing and Captured Report in HENO

Publish Date: 4/18/2024


Overview: The Missing and Captured Report in HENO offers a comprehensive view of scheduled visits, providing insights into both missed and completed appointments. This article offers a step-by-step guide on accessing and interpreting this report, which includes essential details such as patient information, appointment dates, slot types, associated claims, and payment statuses.


  1. Navigate to the "General" tab in HENO.

  2. Select "Missing & Captured" from the options available.

  3. The report will provide a snapshot of scheduled visits organized under two categories: missing appointments and captured appointments.

  4. In the report, each entry includes the following information:

    • Patient: The name or identifier of the patient associated with the appointment.
    • Appointment Date: The scheduled date and time of the appointment.
    • Slot Type: The type of appointment slot, which may include details such as appointment duration or specific clinic areas.
    • Claim: Information related to any associated insurance claims, including claim numbers or statuses.
    • Paid: Indicates whether the appointment has been paid for or if payment is pending.
  5. Review the entries in the report to identify any missed appointments (listed under "Missing") and completed appointments (listed under "Captured").

  6. Utilize this information to follow up with patients who missed appointments and to ensure that all captured appointments have been appropriately documented and billed.

  7. Take necessary actions based on the insights provided by the Missing and Captured Report to optimize appointment management and revenue collection processes within HENO.

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