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Creating Custom Templates in the Template Builder

Publish Date: 6/28/2024



Custom templates in our system provide healthcare providers with a flexible tool for tailoring documentation to meet specific practice needs. With the Template Builder feature, users can easily create personalized templates for documenting patient encounters, ensuring consistency and efficiency in record-keeping. The following steps detail how to create custom templates using the Template Builder:

  1. Access Template Builder:

    • Navigate to the Documentation Tab and select Template Builder.
  2. Create a New Template:

    • Click on "New" in the upper right-hand side of the page to initiate the creation of a new template.
    • Fill in the following information:
      • Name: Provide a descriptive name for the template.
      • Document Type: Select "Custom Template" from the dropdown menu.
      • Visibility: Choose between "Private" (accessible only to the user) or "Public" (accessible to the entire office).
    • Click "Create & Add Questions" to proceed.
  3. Add Questions to the Template:

    • Users have the option to add six different types of questions to the custom template:
      • 20 Vertical Radios (Multiple Choice)
      • 20 Horizontal Radios (Multiple Choice)
      • 61 Select Lists (Drop-down)
      • 41 Text Areas (Large text field) with a 4000-character limit- Text Area questions allow Quick Text to be created as a Question Choice
      • 61 Check Boxes (Multiple select choices)
      • 50 Text Fields (Small text field) with a 4000-character limit
    • For each question added, fill in the following details:
      • Question: Double-click on the field to enter the question (4000 character limit).
      • Type: Select the type of question.
      • Order: Set the order of the question in increments of ten, determining its position on the final PDF.
      • Required: Specify whether the question is required to fill out before approving the note.
      • Active: Mark the question as inactive if it is no longer needed.
      • Question Choice: Add choices if applicable, defining how the answers will display using increments of ten in the order. ** If your question option is a "Text Area" when creating the Question Choice you can choose to create a "Quick Text" which would appear as a blue hyperlink to select when using the template.**
  4. Customize PDF Design (Optional):

    • To edit the design of the PDF for the template, click on "Row actions" in front of the question and select "Single Row View."
    • Click "Edit" and customize the following aspects:
      • Question formatting (underline, bold, italics)
      • Answer formatting (underline, bold, italics)
      • Font size
      • Printing preferences (print on a new line, print if the answer is blank)
  5. Copying Questions:

    • Once a question is created, it can be copied up to 30 times, retaining the question, type, and choices.
    • After copying, customize each question as needed.
  6. Adjusting Rows Per Page:

    • To see more rows per page while building the template, click on the action menu at the top of the question area and select "Format" > "Rows per Page."

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